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Ph.D. Dissertation


Sungmin Hong, Anne-Katrin Giese, Markus D. Schirmer, ..., and Natalia S. Rost, "Excessive White Matter Hyperintensity Increases Susceptibility to Poor Functional Outcomes after Acute Ischemic Stroke," Frontiers in Neurology (Accepted, To appear).
Martin Bretzner, Anna K. Bonkhoff, Markus D. Schirmer, Sungmin Hong, ..., and Natalia S. Rost, "MRI Radiomic signature of white matter hyperintensities is associated with clinical phenotypes,"Frontiers in Neuroscience, July 2021.
Anna K. Bonkhoff, Markus D. Schirmer, Martin Bretzner, Sungmin Hong, ..., and Natalia S. Rost, "Outcome after acute ischemic stroke is linked to sex-specic lesion patterns", Nature Communications, June 2021.
Neel Dey, Sungmin Hong, Thomas Ach, ..., and Guido Gerig, "Tensor Decompositions of Hyperspectral Images of Autofluorescent Retinal Tissue", Medical Image Analysis, May 2019.
Yuehong Tong, Tal Ben Ami, Sungmin Hong, et al., "Hyperspectral autofluorescence imaging of drusen and retinal pigment epithelium in donor eyes with age-related macular degeneration", Retina, Vol 36, p. S127, 2016.
Joonghee Kim, Kyuseok Kim, Sungmin Hong, et al., "Low apparent diffusion coecient cluster-based analysis of diusion weighted MRI for prognostication of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors", Resuscitation, April, 2013.
Sungmin Hong, Hackjoon Shim and Yoojin Chung, "Tracking of mitochondrial transports using a particle filtering method with a spatial constraint", Optical Engineering, Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2011.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings

Sungmin Hong, Razvan Marinescu, Adrian V. Dalca, Anna K. Bonkhoff, Martin Bretzner,  Natalia S. Rost, and Polina Golland, "3D-StyleGAN: A Style-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Generative Modeling of Three-Dimensional Medical Images", Deep Generative Models Workshop:MICCAI 2021 (Accepted, To Appear).
Heejong Kim, Sungmin Hong, Martin Styner, Jason Wolff, and Guido Gerig, "Hierarchical Geodesic Modeling on the Diusion Orientation Distribution Function for Longitudinal DW-MRI Analysis", MICCAI 2020.
Sungmin Hong, James Fishbaugh, Jason Wolff, Martin Styner, and Guido Gerig, "Hierarchical Multi-Geodesic Model for Longitudinal Analysis of Temporal Trajectories of Anatomical Shape and Covariates," MICCAI, 2019.
Sungmin Hong, James Fishbaugh and Guido Gerig, "4D continuous medial representation trajectory estimation for longitudinal shape analysis," MICCAI Workshop:Shape-MI, 2018.
Mathilde Ravier, Sungmin Hong, Charly Girot, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Jenna Tauber, Gadi Wollstein, Joel Schuman, James Fishbaugh and Guido Gerig, "Analysis of morphological changes of the lamina cribrosa under acute intraocular pressure change," MICCAI, 2018.
Yu Zhao, Shu Liao, Yimo Guo, Liang Zhao, Zhennan Yan, Sungmin Hong, Gerardo Hermosillo, Tian-ming Liu, Xiang Zhou and Yiqian Zhan, \Toward MR-Only radiotherapy treatment planning:Synthetic CT generation using multi-view deep convolutional neural networks," MICCAI, 2018.
Sungmin Hong, James Fishbaugh and Guido Gerig, "4D contiuous medial representation by geodesic shape regression," ISBI 2018.
Sungmin Hong, James Fishbaugh, Morteza Rezanejad, Kaleem Siddiqi, Hans Johnson, Jane Paulsen, Eun Young Kim and Guido Gerig, "Subject-specic longitudinal shape analysis by coupling spatiotemporal shape modeling with medial analysis," SPIE Medical Imaging:Image Processing, 2017.
Sungmin Hong, Bojun Kwon, Il Dong Yun, Sang Uk Lee, Kyuseok Kim and Joonghee Kim , "Prediction of the potential clinical outcomes for post-resuscitated patients after cardiac arrest," SPIE Medical Imaging:Image Processing, 2013.

@2022 Sungmin Hong

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